Welcome to the latest installment of "The Things that Lazy Parents Will Pay For." Yesterday, in the New York Times Home & Garden section: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/12/27/garden/eat-drink-be-nice-teaching-children-manners.html?hp&_r=0 . Apparently manners and etiquette classes for children, some held in fancy restaurants, are becoming more and more popular. Says the article " These etiquette experts say that new approaches are needed because parents no longer have the stomach, time or know-how to play bad cop and teach manners. " Really?? Hey parents, news flash: this is YOUR job! Stop outsourcing every part of parenting that is too difficult or time consuming for you to handle. Sure you can pay someone $285 to teach your kid how to be polite. And while you are at it , why not pay them to teach your kid how to walk, talk, eat, read, write, love, play...hell, why not just hire someone to do ALL the parenting for you?? I understand that...