Later, while we walk home, I think about the whole exchange. There was nothing wrong with me telling her son to take his hands off of my daughter so why was I so quick to apologize? The playground is the perfect environment for zone defense, whatever kid is in my line of sight is my responsibility. What ever happened to "it takes a village"?
If a tiny toddler falls down in front of them, most parents would be quick to help him up. But this is as far as group parenting goes nowadays. Two kids are fighting? Not my problem unless one of them is my kid. A little girl is being mean? We look around for her mom and then shake our heads in disgust when we find her across the playground, nose buried in her smartphone. We can't possibly help someone else's kid, what if we do it wrong? What if we accidentally say something inappropriate? And forget about discipline. We will stand there and let two boys pummel each other into a bloody mess before we risk pissing off someone else' mom by telling them to stop.
Well, not all of us. If the parent in question is nowhere in sight, both Matthew and I have no problem intervening in playground drama. Perhaps this is because we are teachers. But I would hope that someone else would do the same for me. If some bully is picking on Maya and I don't see it, I would hope some other grownup would help her. And if she is the bully, I have no problem with another mommy telling her to keep her hands to herself. After all, we are all in this together. We all have the same job, to teach our children to be caring, compassionate adults, adults who are capable of living and working with others. You may have bottle-fed and I used my boob but I am sure we both think biting is wrong.
This is one of the saddest results of all the "mommy wars". We are now so determined to be right (and so afraid to be wrong) that we have forgotten that we all have the same goals. Healthy children. Happy children. Children who know how to behave in public. Children who know they are loved. We have forgotten how to work together.
I am not saying everyone out there would mother Maya exactly the way I would. I am saying that as long as it comes from a place of love, it does not matter.
It is lonely up there, mama. Why don't you climb down from your soapbox and have a cup of coffee with us. We'll all watch the playground together.
Love it. I'm that scaredy cat mom sometimes that doesn't say anything for fear of offending a parent, unless someone is hurting my kid, then gloves are off kiddo. I won't unleash the few yellow belt moves I know, but I am a mamma bear ready to step in for my babies.